Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a transcontinental long-term development strategy which aims at infrastructure development and acceleration of the economic integration of countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.
BRI aims to “promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among the countries along the Belt and Road, set up all-dimensional, multi-tiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in these countries.” BRI is a global initiative but by its nature of building on the ”Belt and Road” puts a major focus on countries in Asia, Eastern Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, a region mainly composed of emerging markets. According to the Belt and Road Portal, currently 71 countries are taking part in the Initiative, together representing more than a third of the World’s GDP and two thirds of the World’s population.

Dr. Wenchao Xue, Director, AIT Belt and Road Research Center

Inauguration and Fundraising of AIT Belt & Road Center on 28 November 2019.
Taking this opportunity, the AIT Belt & Road Research Center (BRRC) was established in late 2019, with the generous support from the AIT Alumni China Chapter and all AIT Chinese Alumni. The Center aims to serve as an international hub for collaborative and innovative research towards robust economic growth and sustainable development in the Belt and Road region. With it focuses on network building, engagements and research activities under the Belt & Road umbrella, AIT BRRC dedicates to enhance AIT’s Belt & Road projects, promote collaboration with China’s and other Belt & Road Countries’ universities and knowledge organizations, support young scholars/students’ research and study in the region with Belt & Road fellowships/scholarships, and to disseminate the related collaborative outcomes with the wider community through Regional/International Belt & Road Conferences & Seminars.
Dr. Wenchao Xue
Associate Professor
Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change
School of Environment, Resources, and Development
Belt and Road Research Center, Asian Institute of Technology
Director’s message:
A warm welcome from the AIT Belt & Road Research Center (BRRC)! Our Center aims to serve as an international hub for collaborative and innovative research towards robust economic growth and sustainable development in the Belt and Road Region. Together with our BRRC team, we look forward to bringing impactful research and engagements with our partners and stakeholders in the Region.
Tel: +66(0)2-524-5626
Our Vision
An international hub for collaborative and innovative research towards robust economic growth and sustainable development in the Belt and Road region.
Our Mission
- To collect AIT’s Belt & Road collaborative projects under this umbrella center to focus our research on the Belt & Road issues.
- To enhance collaboration with Chinese Universities and Organizations whose mission is Belt & Road Initiative.
- To support young scholars/students’ research and study in the region with Belt & Road fellowships/scholarships.
- To disseminate the Belt & Road collaborative outcomes with wider community through regional/international Belt & Road conferences, webinars, and workshops.
AIT Belt and Road Scholarship
During AIT’s 60th Anniversary celebrations in October 2019, AITAA China Chapter signed an agreement to donate funds towards supporting the newly established AIT Belt & Road Center (BRRC) activities.
One of the activities is to support scholarships for Master’s or Ph.D. degree students from Belt & Road countries.
- Scholarship: 15 credits tuition scholarship
- Nationality: Students from Belt & Road countries
- Having a four‐year Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
- English Proficiency Requirement: AIT-EET:6 or IELTS-Academic:6 (writing 6) or TOEFL Paper: 550 (writing 59-61) or TOELF CBT: 213 (writing 25-26): TOEFL IBT: 80 (writing 21-23)
- Applicant must fulfill the AIT Entry Requirements.
Source: AITAA China Chapter Belt and Road Scholarship – Asian Institute of Technology