On August 28th 2023 – A delegation from Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS), led by Prof. Zuo Jiane, Associate Dean of Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS), along with Dr. Cao Yidan, Associate Professor, Dr. Fu Xiao, Assistant Professor, Dr. Jong Mui Choo, Assistant Professor, Dr. Zhenyuan Yin, Assistant Professor, and Mr. Qiao Yang, Laboratory Engineer of Open FIESTA, Ms. Xu Yinggege, Senior Specialist of Overseas Admissions, and Ms. Liu Hongdou, Specialist for Talent Training Base Construction and Management of SIGS, have visited Asian Institute of Technology and Belt and Road Research Center of AIT.

A preliminary communication between the visiting group and representatives from Asian Institute of Technology led by Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal, Vice President of Academic Affairs of Asian Institute of Technology, was conducted. Dr. Wenchao Xue, Director of AIT Belt and Road Research Center (AIT BRRC), Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering and Management, Prof. Abdul Salam, Dean of SERD, Prof. Huynh Trung Luong, Head of ISE, SET, Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat, Head of ICT, SET, And Mr. Shawn P. Kelly, Executive Director of OIPA of AIT, attended the meeting.

The discussions encompassed a wide range of collaboration opportunities, including joint research projects, faculty exchange programs, and initiatives to facilitate student mobility, such as training programs, exchange summer school program, short term research program for students, etc.. Both parties emphasized the significance of identifying common research interests and complementary areas of expertise.