On 16-18 May 2023, the Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) SDG-13 International Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand, hosted by Computer Network Information Center, CAS (particularly the GOSC International Programme Office, GOSC IPO). This hybrid event jointly organized by Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA), National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as well as START Regional Center for East Asia, and CAS-TWAS Network for Sustainable Development.
The GOSC SDG-13 International Workshop aims to strengthen social engagement within the SDG-13 community and promote mutual-beneficial collaboration between stakeholders. To this end, this workshop provided insightful presentations, in-depth discussions, and an interactive onsite visit to generate inspiring ideas for current GOSC collaborations with potential user groups while facilitating seamless communication among participants.
Dr. Wenchao Xue, Director of AIT Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC), has raised the potential opportunity to face challenges during the panel discussion: “we need training programs to demonstrate how to use this platform and need it for long-term practices, also need mechanism to connect the policy maker and public users and to strengthen capacity building networking”.
For more information about the Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) Initiative, please click: https://codata.org/
On 18 May 2023, a group of GOSC International Programme Office (GOSC IPO), led by Prof. Jia Gensuo, Deputy Co-chair of Group on Earth Observation (GEO) climate change working group, Prof. Jianhui Li, CODATA Vice President and Dr. Monthip Sriratana, Director of DBAR ICoE-Bangkok, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and Co-Chair of GOSC Working group, visited Dr. Wenchao Xue, Director of AIT Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC) and laboratory facilities in Asian Institute of Technology such as department of Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM), Engineering and Management (WEM), and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems.

This visiting program has conducted a communication on the research opportunities and potential further collaboration to implement SDG-13 case study and promote the Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) Initiative and CODATA platform between two parties and the region networking.