The inauguration of the AIT Belt & Road Center aimed to incorporating regional research resources and promoting diversified cooperation under the framework of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).

The Belt & Road Research Center (BRRC) was inaugurated at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Inaugurating the center on 28 November 2019 were AIT President Dr. Eden Woon; Prof. Biliang Hu, AIT alumnus and Director, Belt and Road School, Beijing Normal University (BNU); Mr. Wang Shi, renowned Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Vanke; and Dr. Wenchao Xue of AIT, who has been appointed as the first Director of the center.

AIT Belt & Road Research Center is located in Thailand whereas the center of the Belt & Road region and encouraging partnership with China. The majority of AIT students also come from Belt & Road countries. The center will undertake research with the potential to benefit the entire region and engage with Chinese enterprises, businesses, foundations, and universities. AIT and Belt & Road Research Center will be active as a hub for initiative young scholars and exchange scholarships in Belt & and Road countries.

The center will promote integration among Asian countries and act as a new platform for regional and Chinese businesses/organizations. It will also build a bridge that will strengthen relations between China and other Asian countries.

A message from Ambassador of China to Thailand H.E. Mr. Lyu Jian was read out by Dr. Wenchao Xue. Also participating in the event were representatives of the AIT Alumni Association (China) and representatives of China Enterprises Association in Thailand.

President Woon also thanked the AIT Alumni Association (China Chapter) for donating 10 million baht to the center. The donation will be used for organizing conferences on Belt and Road, Post-doctoral and Masters fellowships for AIT students from Belt and Road countries, and seed fund on AIT research dealing with Belt and Road countries.

Source: AIT Inaugurates the Belt & Road Research Centre – Asian Institute of Technology