On August 28, 2024 – Asian Institute of Technology Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC) paid an official visit to the Pollution Control Department in Thailand (PCD) to strengthen the connection and discuss collaborative opportunities between PCD, AIT, and Chinese partners in environmental protection. Dr. Nuttakan Wongfun, Director of Inland Water Subdivision, Mr. Chaiyut Sanghaisuk, Director of Marine Water Subdivision, Dr. Wimalin Klaewtannong, Environmentalist, Mr. Yeunyong Nukulkit, Environmentalist, and Mr. Panapapas Kerdsaeng, Environmentalist, from PCD attended the meeting. Dr. Monthip Sriratana, Director, DBAR-ICoE Bangkok from NRCT, attended the meeting. Attendees from Asian Institute of Technology include Dr. Wenchao Xue, Assoc. Professor, Director of AIT BRRC, Ms. Mutita Wattanasuk, Research Associate of BRRC. Attendees from Chinese enterprise, Lihe Technology (Hunan) Co. Ltd., was led by Mr. Li Yalun, Director of Overseas Business Development Division of the company.

Discussions mainly focus on the collaboration on water/air quality monitoring and management in Bangkok, and China-Thai collaboration in environmental protection. The meeting noted that through the demonstration of real-time water quality monitoring technology in selected Bangkok canals, a water quality crisis prediction and warning system can be established. Pilot scale projects for Chao Phraya River was suggested in the meeting as the first step of the collaboration. This meeting marks a step forward in China-Thai environment protection collaboration between government, academy and industry. The three parties expressed a clear willingness to collaborate further by building a network for environmental protection in Thailand and China.

In the meeting, BRRC also announced that the joint effort of China-Thai for environment protection will start through a kicking off forum at Green Expo 2024 and a seminar featuring black odorous canal water treatment, which will be held in BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand and AIT. By the occasion, BRRC would be honored to invite distinguished keynote speakers from PCD to join the discussion of inland and surface water treatment and quality improvement. Further actions of the collaborations will be taken by the three parties in the meeting, including preparing relevant research papers on big data and water quality monitoring, cost analysis, and involving other possible stakeholders from China and Thailand, etc.