On August 25th, 2024 – Asian Institute of Technology Belt and Road Research Centre organized a one day visiting and communication with international and regional centers based in AIT for the young students of the Beijing Normal University Global Competency Summer Camp. The organizations and centers visited in this one-day program include CIFAL Bangkok, Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), Yunus Centre AIT (YCA), RIMES, and Belt and Road Research Center.

In this one-day program, participants learned the operation and activities of different organizations and centers from international and regional development perspectives. Specific topics in the exchange and communication covers SDGs, functions of international organizations, the importance of different resources in carrying out developmental projects, climate change, health promotional project for marginalized groups, applications of technologies in developmental projects, social enterprises and poverty alleviation, technologies in regional disaster prevention and collaboration, Belt and Road project for reginal economic and social development, etc. The open and interactive communication experience is of great significance for young students’ personal development and global competency, to be the future leaders of regional development and decision making.