On July 23rd, 2024—A delegation from All-Plus Co. Ltd. visited Asian Institute of Technology Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC) to discuss possible collaborations between AIT and ALL-PLUS. The delegation of ALL-PLUS was led by Mr Daniel Ng Joo-Then, Senior Advisor of All-Plus, together with him the R&D team of the company. Dr. Wenchao, Xue, Director of BRRC, Mr. Voravate Chonlasin, Executive Director of AIT Extension, Ms. Sai Tang, Program Officer of BRRC and Ms. Mutita Wattanasuk, Research Associate, attended this meeting.

All-Plus is a world class manufacturer of high quality and high purity monomers and polymers. The company aims to continuously innovate and develop in a sustainable way to achieve sustainable growth. The company values innovation, sustainable development and customer industry needs, which fit well with AIT’s mission.

A preliminary discussion on possible collaborations between the two parties was carried out. Apart from research collaborations in the future, ALL-PLUS also expressed the intention to provide special prizes and scholarships for excellent young students studying in AIT beginning from later this year. Other collaborations focus on internships, talent recruitment, sponsored industrial exposure trips to ALL-PLUS companies in different regions, etc. After the meeting, the delegation takes a tour of the campus and visited EEM lab to learn about the research projects and facilities in the program.