The “Green Technology EXPO 2023” ( – Green Technology Expo 2023) was held successfully during 9 -12 Nov 2023 in Bangkok.

BRRC actively facilitated AIT’s co-organizing of the Green Technology Expo 2023 and coordinated successfully with Thailand-Sino Association of Sciences and Technology (TSAST), China Council for the Promotion of International Trade–Shanghai (CCPIT-Shanghai), Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok (CASICCB), Ministry of Energy Thailand and Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Thailand, and Z Infinity Company, for the event.

With good showcasing of BRRC work at AIT booth at the Exhibition, several Chinese and Thailand cooperations from green technology industries showed interest in BRRC work and expertise and the Belt and Road Initiative. Further communication and follow up will be carried out after the event at BRRC to achieve potential collaborations with potential companies from the exhibition.

See full news on the Green Technology Expo from AIT website from this link: AIT Co-Organizes Green Technology Expo 2023, Advocates for Sustainable Solutions and Global Partnerships – Asian Institute of Technology