During January 2023, Dr. Wenchao  Xue, Director of AIT Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC) and Ms. Danielle Duan, Coordinator of AIT Office of International Affairs have conducted a promotion trip in three major cities of People’s Republic of China: Chengdu, Beijing and Shenyang.

During this trip, productive discussion on potential research collaboration on recruitment of students, network and partnerships expansion has been carried out with a few Chinese Universities, Research Institutes and Organizations including Sichuan New Energy Vehicle Innovation Center (NEVIC), Chengdu University (CDU), Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), Digital Belt and Road & International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, Chinese Academy of Sciences (DBAR & CBAS, CAS), Research Center of Eco-Environment Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (RCEES, CAS), TusPark Beijing Headquarter (TusPark), China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI) and University of Science and Technology Liaoning (USTLN).

This trip fulfills the mission of AIT BRRC and expect to reconnect and expand the long-term collaborations between AIT and our Chinese partners and colleagues in support of the Sustainable Development in the Belt and Road Region.