Thirteen hundred students, staff, and residents on AIT campus last week received 10 free face masks each from an AIT Belt and Road Research Center (BRRC) donation of 20,000 masks. The director of OFAM inspects the shipment of face masks on April 20, 2020

This humanitarian gesture for our campus community was made possible by an injection of 150,000 Thai baht from the AIT Chinese Alumni Chapter into the AIT Belt and Road Research Center, supplemented with personal financial contributions by the AIT Leadership – the President, the three Vice Presidents, and the three Deans.

The Office of Facilities and Assets Management (OFAM) received the shipment on April 20 and organized the orderly distribution of 13,000 masks over a three-day period from April 22-24. Social distancing and precautionary measures were enforced during the entire distribution process on campus.

The donation provides facial protection for 600 students and 700 staff and their families who are studying online and working from home on campus during the Covid-19 shutdown of the institute.  Also receiving masks are mission-essential personnel who live off campus but who have been coming into the office on duty as needed.  Contractors and Vendors who provide services to the campus were also beneficiaries. The remainder are maintained by OFAM, which also issued masks to its facilities’ personnel and security staff and for other protective uses on campus.

Source: AIT Campus Community Received 20,000 Face Mask Donation from AIT Belt and Road Research Center – Asian Institute of Technology